Longleat Safari Day

May ’17
8:00 AM

Where: USG Hall
When: Saturday 6th May, 8am-6pm
Who: School years 5-7
Cost: £25 (and bring a packed lunch)


An exclusive day out for the Juniors- we will head off from the Hall bright and early in order to get as much time as possible at the park.

As well as a huge range of animals to see on foot, and of course Longleat’s famous maze, we’ll be taking the mini-buses on a drive-through Safari including big game, lions, tigers and a large troupe of cheeky monkeys.

Places are limited so please reserve your space early by texting…
‘GO WILD’ and your NAME to Gibbo: 07540305906

The cost for the day includes Longleat entry, Safari Pass, travel, and chips on the way home. We really want your son to join us, however, if cost is an issue, or if you would like to know more about the event, please contact Gibbo (Section Lead): 07540305906




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