Bonfire Bonanza

Body_fireworkFireworks night and while the Inters has sparklers and the Seniors went to the rugby(?!), the Juniors had a massive bonfire in Waverley woods…

So what happened………….


We drove over to Waverley woods in two minibuses.

Somewhere down a dark and muddy track we found Graham who, holding us to ransom by torch light, ‘stole’ our supply of hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Escaping from Graham, we drove deeper into the forest and found somewhere to park.  Some of us had brought torches, so we abandoned the minibuses and worked our way back up towards where we’d seen Graham, carrying with us the two Guys we’d built the week before.

Stumbling into a clearing we discovered a large bonfire, ready to be lit.  Conveniently, there was a ladder propped up against the side of the bonfire and a stake ready for our Guys.  We hoisted our Guys onto the bonfire, tied them securely to the stake (to make sure they couldn’t escape) and lit the fire.


A few minutes later the flames began to rise through the top of bonfire; soon our two Guys were no more!  As the flames roared higher and higher we retreated to the woods – satisfied at the fate of our Guys!

To celebrate, we retraced our steps somewhere close to where we’d abandoned the minibuses…  Rob broke out the fireworks.  A pause.  A countdown…  100, 99, 98, 97, …6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…  Then bangs, flashes, crackles and the like.

Fireworks done, we went back to our fire – to warm up, drink hot chocolate and toast (burn?) marshmallows.

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