A Junior evening of entertainment!

Body_JuniorstmarthaswalkJust when you thought St. Martha’s was a nice place for a quiet Friday evening walk…………and you then come across over 20 USG Juniors and their leaders!

So what happened………….

Well just after 6.30, everyone squeezed into two minibuses and we headed for the Surrey hills! The local area around St. Martha’s was our destination of choice, and we certainly weren’t disappointed. In the space of the next hour and a half we ran up St Martha’s, played some energetic game on top of a pill box, witnessed Paddy give a scaled down demonstration of Elijah’s showdown with the prophets of Baal (with a risk assessed real fire), had a tug of war and even some refreshments.

I can’t say how many lads went, but we counted them out and counted them all back – all in time for the main meeting at 8pm.

A great evening out and what a way to finish a week at school!

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